
  • The science of sadness

    How can science experimentally explore emotion? And why does it need to? Research into sadness re...

    In 2016, Professor Stephen Hawking presented two lectures during the Reith Lecture Series at the Royal Institution in...

    Body and Mind February 11, 2022
  • Premonition, seizures and memory: the strange phenomenon of déjà vu

    It’s a curious French expression for a feeling that many of us have experienced. What does it tel...

    It’s fair to say that Dr Anne Cleary, a professor at Colorado State University, never intended to study déjà vu. Clea...

    Body and Mind November 26, 2021
  • The art (and science) of procrastination

    Why can it take us so long to get around to the things we’ve said we’d do? Researchers have set t...

    Back in March, my mother called from Poland to ask if I could paint a particular sunset scene for her sister. I’d rec...

    Behaviour November 26, 2021
  • Cry-olin: musical instruments convey human emotion by mimicking speech

    Apparently violins can both smile and scream. Who knew?

    Singers can convey a lot of emotion in the tone of their voices: a trembling sound might denote sadness, and a voice ...

    Social Sciences November 1, 2021
  • You may have missed…

    Moths vs bats, weird asteroids, and ancestors with a sweet tooth – catch up on the science you mi...

    Moths vs bats: moths use sound to thwart bat attacksPhotograph of the Atlas moth (Attacus atlas). This large silk...

    Animals September 13, 2021
  • Trolls really are just angry souls

    Study reveals that those spewing online hate are just as hostile offline.

    Words don’t come easy. But anger does. Research suggests it’s not the anonymity of the internet that excites hostilit...

    Behaviour August 31, 2021
  • Curb your assumptions about COVID noncompliance

    A just-published study aimed to capture the nuance and complexity of why people don’t comply – or...

    Last week, as COVID-19 case numbers continued to rise in Sydney despite weeks of tight restrictions, a group of psych...

    Body and Mind August 6, 2021
  • The psychology of COVID compliance

    Researchers untangle the complexities of breaking and following the rules.

    A study by Australian and Canadian researchers has identified some common psychological features of people who don’t ...

    Australia August 4, 2021
  • Under the (social) influence

    Behavioural change comes from the periphery of society – not from influencers.

    The modern-day influence economy would have us believe that the best way to sell a product – or an idea – is to have ...

    Behaviour July 20, 2021
  • Hermann Rorschach spills the ink

    What do you see when you look at this image?

    Splash red wine on a white tablecloth and, along with receiving a scolding, you might also be invited to partake in a...

    Behaviour July 18, 2021
  • Facing up to ordinary things

    Angry handbags and happy coffee: our brains are wired to see faces in everyday objects.

    Have you ever seen a smiley face in your morning cup of tea, or a shocked expression on a terraced house? Australian ...

    Australia July 7, 2021
  • You may have missed…

    Extinct species returning, not-so-foolish fool’s gold, intergalactic highways, and more – here’s ...

    Collision course on an intergalactic highwayAstronomers have created the clearest images ever of a galaxy cluster...

    天体物理学 July 5, 2021
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