Lead in the air ends up in our bones throughout history

A study has traced lead concentrations in human bones between 400 and 12,000 years in age, finding that the amount of lead they contain is connected to the amount that was being produced at the time the individuals were alive. The researchers say that this has implications for modern lead pollution. Lead production in Europe …Continue readingLead in the air ends up in our bones throughout history

Alice Hamilton hates heavy metal

In the early 1920s, scientists from a wide range of disciplines were involved in what the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has called “the frantic search” for a fuel additive that would improve the performance of internal combustion engines. In a 1985 EPA Journal report titled “Lead Poisoning: A Historical Perspective”, the agency stated: “Iodine, aniline, …Continue readingAlice Hamilton hates heavy metal

Metal lodes may be hidden deep

Scientists have discovered structural lines around 170 kilometres below the Earth’s surface they say appear to signal the locations of large deposits of copper, lead, zinc and other metals. These are too far down to be found using current exploration methods but are shallow enough to be mined, they suggest in a paper in the …Continue readingMetal lodes may be hidden deep