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Moths vs bats: moths use sound to thwart bat attacks Who would win in a bat-moth fight? A new study has found that moths have more of a leg-up than previously thought, because their wings are structured to mess up the echolocation of bats. Researchers from the University of Bristol have found that the wingtips …Continue readingYou may have missed…

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Humans can learn echolocation Get ready Batman, soon you might be able to echolocate like a bat! Researchers have found that people can be taught to distinguish rotating objects by listening to their echoes, using an echolocation-inspired technique. Using android tablets that emit buzzing signals – which mimic the sounds bats use for echolocation – …Continue readingYou may have missed…

How moths evolved to fool their enemies’ sonar

A study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) has shed light on the methods used by luna moths to avoid detection from the sonar cries of bats, their main predators. The researchers, headed by Akito Kawahara of the Florida Museum of Natural History used high-speed infrared videography to show how …Continue readingHow moths evolved to fool their enemies’ sonar