Worried about COVID vaccine side effects? Here’s what’s happening each week.

每周,治疗货物管理局(TGA)都会释放出在COVID-19疫苗接种后发生的所有报告的不良事件的摘要。随之而来的是,TGA不断监视药物和疫苗的给药。这些报告很长,可能非常稠密,因此宇宙将它们分解成一口大小的碎片。报告日期:9月30日…Continue readingWorried about COVID vaccine side effects? Here’s what’s happening each week.

COVID Booster: Heart failure theories, optimising lockdowns, and breathing into a cone for 30 minutes

Lockdown dissolves a heart failure theory Around the world, there’s an uptick in heart failures each winter, and it’s not entirely clear why. One theory was that respiratory diseases, like colds and influenza, contributed to the peak because they surge at the same time. A paper in Respirology has challenged this theory, showing that while …Continue readingCOVID Booster: Heart failure theories, optimising lockdowns, and breathing into a cone for 30 minutes

COVID Booster: Delta, drinking and diet

Pfizer vaccine looks to be somewhat effective against Delta SARS-CoV-2 variant A study on blood serum has found that the Pfizer vaccine effectively neutralises variants of SARS-CoV-2 – including the very infectious Delta variant. Researchers based at the University of Texas Medical Branch, USA, examined blood serum samples from those who had been vaccinated with …Continue readingCOVID Booster: Delta, drinking and diet

COVID Booster

The vaccine should be free in India, argue experts While the COVID-19 crisis rages in India, only 3% of the country has been fully vaccinated. A commentary in BMJ Global Health argues that there are a few reasons for this slow rollout, including poor organisation, lack of approval for foreign vaccines, and the cost of …Continue readingCOVID Booster

Inside ATAGI, Australia’s vaccine advisory group

当1920年初,当Covid-19-19大流行开始蔓延到中国边界并到达澳大利亚时,澳大利亚免疫技术咨询小组(Atagi)决定成立一个Covid-19-19-19。尽管正在开发许多疫苗,但没有疫苗。但是很明显,全国Covid-19-19疫苗接种运动将是…Continue readingInside ATAGI, Australia’s vaccine advisory group

Vaccine, next gen

Molecular clamp technology may prove to be the future of vaccines, but in the fight against COVID-19 it was famously abandoned at the 11th hour. Keith Chappell is a laconic man with sideburns that wouldn’t be out of place in a hipster brewery. His tone is quiet and calm, even as he discusses the news that …Continue readingVaccine, next gen

How to read reports of COVID vaccine trials

By Adrian Esterman, University of South Australia It’s been a busy week or so for news about COVID vaccines. First we heard preliminary clinical trial results from the Pfizer vaccine, then the Russian Sputnik V vaccine. This week, we heard about the Moderna vaccine. All these results were shared with the media, ahead of being …Continue readingHow to read reports of COVID vaccine trials

100-year-old vaccine boosts immune system

Australian scientists have revealed the answer to a decades-old mystery – why does the tuberculosis (TB) vaccine, Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) protect infants from a range of other diseases as well as TB Scientists from Perth’s Telethon Kids Institute have revealed that the BCG jab boosts the immune systems of newborn mice by creating a dramatic …Continue reading100-year-old vaccine boosts immune system