
  • Ruth Benerito saves cotton

    With the world agog over synthetic fabrics, a chemist and her colleagues ‘smoothed out’ cotton – ...

    In 1938–39, a department store in the United States capital, Washington, DC, featured a “Fabrics of the Future” exhib...

    Chemistry October 10, 2021
  • Shoes that stick and clothes that reveal

    That may sound bad, but it actually isn’t.

    What we wear isn’t just about comfort and style when scientists get involved. Function rules fashion.Two recent i...

    材料 June 2, 2020
  • The physics of knitting

    Resting on some surprisingly complex calculations.

    A new theory could help engineers to create materials for use as smart textiles, artificial tissue and even the aerod...

    Physics June 25, 2018
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