“Hidden” thoughts in visual part of brain

你在多大程度上控制你的想法吗?What if you were specifically told not to think of something – like a pink elephant? A recent study led by UNSW psychologists has mapped what happens in the brain when a person tries to suppress a thought. The neuroscientists managed to ‘decode’ the complex brain activity …Continue reading“Hidden” thoughts in visual part of brain

Tim Jarvis on Human-wildlife conflict

It’s 84 years since the last known Tasmanian tiger, or thylacine (Thylacinus cynocephalus), died at Beaumaris Zoo, Hobart. Locked out of its sleeping quarters by its keepers, it died in its cage, alone, as temperatures plummeted overnight. In 1996, on the 60th anniversary of this inauspicious date, 7 September was declared National Threatened Species Day …Continue readingTim Jarvis on Human-wildlife conflict

“与” covid-19的“生活”的神话

Disease management terms like ‘elimination’ and ‘eradication’ have been used in press conferences and media coverage since the start of COVID-19. While these terms seem familiar, they are technical public health terms which mean something very specific in an infectious disease context – and misuse of the terms can be at best confusing, or at …Continue reading“与” covid-19的“生活”的神话

The secret to surviving night shift

A simple coffee and a quick catnap could be the cure for staying alert on the nightshift as new research from the University of South Australia shows that this unlikely combination can improve attention and reduce sleep inertia. In Australia, more than 1.4 million people are employed in shift work, with more than 200,000 regularly …Continue readingThe secret to surviving night shift

Why people get sick in virtual reality

Virtual reality (VR) technology – which can immerse people in real or imagined environments via a head-mounted display (HMD) – has expanded possibilities for how people can learn, communicate and relax. Not just a source of entertainment, VR is now used across education, skills training and medical rehabilitation. In many cases, VR is used to …Continue readingWhy people get sick in virtual reality

The zoonotic diseases closer to home

一位联合国性大学研究员说,通过遗传分析表明,库维德19起起源于动物在传播到人类之前,现在是一个牢记人畜共患病比人们想象的更近的时候了。无论是bin鸡突袭垃圾垃圾箱,鸽子蜂拥而至剩下的餐厅,还是与家庭宠物,动物……Continue readingThe zoonotic diseases closer to home

Faking a smile is almost as good as the real thing

From Sinatra to Katy Perry, celebrities have long sung about the power of a smile – how it picks you up, changes your outlook, and generally makes you feel better. But is it all smoke and mirrors, or is there a scientific backing to the claim? Research from the University of South Australia confirms that …Continue readingFaking a smile is almost as good as the real thing

Online events during National Science Week

Australia’s National Science Week is back from 15-23 August, and thanks to everything that’s happening, most events are now online. So now you don’t need to be worried about missing out on any of Australia’s biggest celebration of all things science – you can do check it all out from your own home. Here are …Continue readingOnline events during National Science Week

Paint eyes on a cow’s butt to stop lion attacks

误认为一个充满牲畜的田野,将眼睛涂成某种光明动物园,可能会被原谅。实际上,来自悉尼,澳大利亚塔隆加保护协会和博茨瓦纳捕食者保护的联合研究表明,涂漆的眼睛可以保护牲畜免受与他们共存的景观中的捕食者的侵害。在一个 …Continue readingPaint eyes on a cow’s butt to stop lion attacks

Pesticides to blame for bigger dingoes?

Dingoes have gotten around 6-9 per cent bigger over the past 80 years, new research from UNSW and the University of Sydney shows – but the growth is only happening in areas where poison baiting is used. The findings, published in the Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, compared the sizes of dingoes that lived in …Continue readingPesticides to blame for bigger dingoes?

Antarctica is the perfect place for stargazing

Have you ever wondered why stars twinkle? It’s because turbulence in the Earth’s atmosphere makes light emitted from the star wobble as it completes it’s light years-long journey to the lenses in our eyes and telescopes. But now scientists from international research institutions including UNSW Sydney have found the best place on Earth where – …Continue readingAntarctica is the perfect place for stargazing

Migration: impact on whales’ health

捕鲸季节通常是澳大利亚东海岸的数十名观察家的喜悦。对于科学家来说,这也是一个近距离研究大型生物的机会。但是对于鲸鱼本身而言,这可能是一个不太最佳健康的时期。联合国悉尼研究人员收集并分析了鲸鱼打击样本…Continue readingMigration: impact on whales’ health