Final frontier exam: is it fit for space?

已经建立了一个新的网络,以使太空技术通过其步伐设置,以确保澳大利亚开发的产品可以承受辐射,振动,温度和太空旅行的真空。检查设备可以应对宇宙射线,太阳风或突然的辐射淋浴至关重要,因为公司争夺……Continue readingFinal frontier exam: is it fit for space?

How spinifex grasses got their ring shapes

科学家说,他们可能已经解决了澳大利亚标志性的Spinife X的长期谜团。由于致病土壤微生物的积累,看来草在中间死亡。“人们通常会考虑土壤微生物的有益作用,这可以帮助植物获取水和养分。”Continue readingHow spinifex grasses got their ring shapes


由于有关阿斯利康疫苗的新建议,澳大利亚的疫苗推出计划现在正在大修。根据澳大利亚免疫技术咨询小组(ATAGI)的建议,联邦政府建议50岁以下的人优先接收辉瑞疫苗而不是阿斯利康。这遵循了德国,挪威,加拿大的监管机构的类似决定,Continue readingCovid疫苗:我们在哪里血腥的地狱?


由托里·谢泼德(Tory Shepherd)撰写的《月球射击想法》始于美国总统约翰·肯尼迪(John F Kennedy),随着美国宇航局的发展,冷战变得寒冷,阿波罗任务招呼。肯尼迪在1962年在德克萨斯州休斯敦说:“我们选择去月球。我们选择在这十年中去月球Continue reading月球射击

The jab is jumpin’

上周日,牛津/阿斯利康jab的前300,000剂降落在悉尼机场。卫生部长格雷格·亨特(Greg Hunt)表示,阿斯利康疫苗将由治疗货物管理局(TGA)进行批量测试,其推出将在下周一开始。“这是一个重要的一步,始终受到质量测试的约束,始终主题……Continue readingThe jab is jumpin’


如果您在艰难的一年结束时要寻找一些好消息,那么最好是在气象局(BOM)和CSIRO的最新气候报告中寻求它,刚刚发布。其中详细介绍的关键趋势包括对澳大利亚气候的持续变暖,极端火灾的增加…Continue reading我们气候的阴沉状态


How much control do you have over your thoughts? What if you were specifically told not to think of something – like a pink elephant? A recent study led by UNSW psychologists has mapped what happens in the brain when a person tries to suppress a thought. The neuroscientists managed to ‘decode’ the complex brain activity …Continue reading大脑视觉部分中的“隐藏”思想

Tim Jarvis on Human-wildlife conflict

自从最后一位著名的塔斯马尼亚老虎或甲状腺素(凯诺斯·cynocephalus)死于霍巴特的博马里斯动物园以来,已经有84年了。当温度在一夜之间下降时,它被饲养员锁在其睡眠区中,仅在笼子里死亡。1996年,在这个不吉利日期的60周年纪念日,9月7日被宣布为国家威胁物种日…Continue readingTim Jarvis on Human-wildlife conflict

The myth of ‘living with’ a level of COVID-19

自COVID-19开始以来,新闻发布会和媒体报道已使用诸如“消除”和“消除”之类的疾病管理术语。尽管这些术语似乎很熟悉,但它们是技术公共卫生术语,在传染病环境中意味着非常具体的事情 - 滥用该术语可能会令人困惑,也可能是…Continue readingThe myth of ‘living with’ a level of COVID-19


虚拟现实(VR)技术 - 可以通过头部安装显示(HMD)将人们沉浸在真实或想象中的环境中 - 扩大了人们如何学习,交流和放松的可能性。VR现在不仅是娱乐的来源,现在在教育,技能培训和医疗康复中使用。在许多情况下,VR习惯了…Continue reading为什么人们在虚拟现实中生病

The zoonotic diseases closer to home

With genetic analysis suggesting COVID-19 originated in animals before it spread to humans, now is a good time to bear in mind zoonotic diseases are closer to home than people might think, says a UNSW researcher. Whether it’s bin chickens raiding rubbish bins, pigeons flocking to alfresco dining leftovers or cuddles with the family pet, animals …Continue readingThe zoonotic diseases closer to home

Faking a smile is almost as good as the real thing

从辛纳屈到凯蒂·佩里,名人都长sung about the power of a smile – how it picks you up, changes your outlook, and generally makes you feel better. But is it all smoke and mirrors, or is there a scientific backing to the claim? Research from the University of South Australia confirms that …Continue readingFaking a smile is almost as good as the real thing