
  • The drive to put hydrogen on South Australian roads

    Business SA has issued a roadmap for the state to reach a hydrogen-powered future, but a few poth...

    The potential for hydrogen to become an industrial-scale fuel is being touted as an essential state election issue fo...

    Energy October 19, 2021
  • Video

    The Hydrogen solution

    Experts discuss the future of hydrogen as a fuel.

    Recent news about state hydrogen stategies brings this potential fuel solution back into the foreground. But what is ...

    Earth October 14, 2021
  • Adding new buzz to controversial insecticide

    Fast-acting imidacloprid crystals could reduce the quantities needed.

    A team of US chemists has found a way to make the insecticide imidacloprid more effective, claiming that its faster-a...

    Chemistry October 12, 2021
  • Ruth Benerito saves cotton

    With the world agog over synthetic fabrics, a chemist and her colleagues ‘smoothed out’ cotton – ...

    In 1938–39, a department store in the United States capital, Washington, DC, featured a “Fabrics of the Future” exhib...

    Chemistry October 10, 2021
  • These sounds scare humans: Did they come from aliens?

    No, it’s just insect defence chemicals!

    What’s that sound? The aliens are coming! No, wait – it’s only insect defence signals.These eerie sounds are the ...

    Animals September 27, 2021
  • Out of thin air: direct carbon capture is on the horizon

    An Australian company hopes to be selling carbon-capture modules by next year.

    An Australian company could be selling modules that suck carbon dioxide directly from the air as early as next year, ...

    Australia September 21, 2021
  • Electrici-wee? Getting energy from wastewater

    A new catalyst can generate more electricity from urea.

    Could we ever use urine to power batteries? An international team of chemists have come a step closer with a new cata...

    Energy September 21, 2021
  • Changing the shape of water molecules

    Zeolites can dramatically alter the shape of water.

    Chemistry depends on catalysts to speed up reactions, make chemical processes more efficient, and control the product...

    Chemistry September 21, 2021
  • Making hydrogen with mining waste

    A new catalyst made from mining by-products promises cheaper hydrogen production.

    A group of Queensland researchers have used mining waste to make a catalyst that could render hydrogen fuel productio...

    Australia September 9, 2021
  • What causes the oily film on black tea?

    Researchers take a closer look at the physics and chemist-tea.

    If you’re a black tea fan, you may have noticed the thin, oily film that sometimes forms on the top of the drink. Why...

    Chemistry September 8, 2021
  • How close did the Nazis come to building an atomic bomb?

    It could have changed the outcome of World War II. Now scientists are using modern technology in ...

    Nearly eight decades ago, when Allied forces and Nazi Germany were locked in mortal combat in World War II, American ...

    Chemistry September 3, 2021
  • Simple chemistry could do away with chocolate’s temper trap

    A couple of common molecules might help manufacturers make chocolate faster.

    巧克力有光泽,生产商spend a lot of time and energy tempering it. But the addition of a couple of comm...

    Chemistry September 1, 2021
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