
  • History

    Elizabeth Stern, women’s health pioneer

    Her studies on cervical cancer and contraception were crucial.

    Under the headline “One More Pioneering Woman in Science You've Probably Never Heard of”, Scientific American magazin...

    Features September 18, 2018
  • History

    A Nobel Prize-winning virologist dies

    Frank Macfarlane Burnet laid the foundations of modern virology.

    On the official website of the Nobel Prize, the biographical reference for Frank Macfarlane Burnet says: “It is impos...

    Features September 3, 2018
  • Finding the trends in newborn lives

    Karen Lamb is a part of one of the largest health data exercise.

    The world is on the cusp of a digital health transformation, and integrated healthcare data is already enhancing the ...

    Health September 3, 2018
  • Venoms promise new drug targets

    Research techniques offer exciting new possibilitie

    Venoms contain powerful proteins with fast acting precision and a wide range of devastating effects, but only six ven...

    Health September 3, 2018
  • Modelling aims to predict virus outbreaks

    Japanese data help refine disease behaviour.

    China has a big problem with Hand Foot and Mouth disease (HFMD). According to the World Health Organisation, there we...

    Medicine August 23, 2018
  • Trying to crack the cancer code

    Researcher looking to halt endometrial cancer in its tracks.

    Ovarian cancer is one of the deadliest types, and a major factor in its lethality is a lack of early detection and ta...

    Medicine August 20, 2018
  • Tarantula venom offers epilepsy treatment clue

    One species could give an answer to a childhood disease.

    An international team led by Australian scientists has used a peptide isolated from the venom of the West African tar...

    Medicine August 8, 2018
  • Do ‘rescue remedies’ ease stress?

    Are Bach’s therapeutics any better than a nice cup of tea?

    Bach flower remedies, which you may know as “rescue remedy”, were created in the 1930s by the English physician Edwar...

    Medicine August 5, 2018
  • Using mice to explore Alzheimer’s and smell

    Separate projects find geneticists using rodents.

    One of the mechanisms by which Alzheimer’s disease causes memory impairment may have been uncovered, according to new...

    Medicine August 2, 2018
  • Boy loses huge brain section, his IQ goes up

    Drastic surgery reveals the brain is remarkably adaptable.

    We used to think that brain circuits, controlling everything from walking and talking to seeing, hearing and feeling ...

    Medicine August 1, 2018
  • Complementary medicine no cancer cure

    Turning away from conventional medicine can have a cost.

    Good press on the use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) for cancer does not abound. Steve Jobs famously...

    Medicine July 24, 2018
  • Is glucosamine good for joints?

    Is one of the most popular treatments a waste of money?

    Pharmaceutical companies have been promoting glucosamine supplements as a treatment for osteoarthritis for many years...

    Medicine July 22, 2018
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